Seminario de Astrofísica en el IFIS. Este martes 26 de noviembre, Elena Shablovinskaya de la Universidad Diego Portales, presenta “The first joint ALMA/X-ray monitoring of a radio-quiet AGN: understanding the origin of the compact mm emission” desde las 14:30 en la Sala 208 del Instituto de Física PUCV.
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Mm emission has been observed as an excess in the SED of RQ AGN. Observations with ALMA have confirmed that mm emission originates from the central, very compact nuclear region (≤ 1 pc) and remains unresolved even at 0.1″. While the origin of this emission is still debated, the observed mm spectra and the tight correlation between X-ray and mm emissions suggest that it is a self-absorbed synchrotron emission coming from the accretion disk X-ray corona. Although this mechanism is the most preferable, the absence of correlated variability between high-resolution ALMA mm observations (100 GHz) and X-ray bands (2–10 keV), as recently found in observations of IC 4329A, a nearby unobscured RQ AGN, raises the question about the origin of compact mm emission again. In this talk, I will present the latest results of the investigation of compact mm emission in RQ AGN, including the surprisingly high mm variability, which exceeds that in X-rays. I will also discuss the possible mechanisms for variability in the compact, corona-size region where the mm emission originates, as well as the very first attempts to define the mm origin using ALMA mm polarimetry.