“A Cosmological Challenge: The Role of Higher-Order Statistics for Stage-IV Weak Lensing Surveys” será presentado por el Dr. Joaquin Armijo (Kavli IPMU, Japan) desde las 14:30 este martes 23 de abril en la Sala 208 de la Facultad de Ciencias PUCV.
Te dejamos el abstract de la presentación:
The upcoming Stage-IV weak lensing surveys aim to provide powerful measurements in an effort to refine the cosmological model, Lambda-CDM. These new experiments will grant access to scales not explored previously, shedding light on the effects of various systematics and small-scale physics that may contribute to tensions in certain model parameters. Due to the nature of these scales, statistical probes at the 2-point level, such as the power spectrum, are limited in the amount of information they can provide. In this talk, I will showcase examples of how non-gaussian statistics can be applied to draw conclusions regarding the nature of the so-called S8 tension and what can be anticipated for Stage-IV surveys such as LSST and Euclid. Additionally, I will highlight results from the application of these statistics to the year-1 data of the Hyper Suprime-Camera (HSC) at Subaru Telescope, potentially reconciling results between galaxy surveys and the CMB Planck results.