El próximo miércoles 6 de noviembre, Daniela Grandón de la Universiteit Leiden (Países Bajos), presentará “Weak lensing cosmology beyond Gaussianity” en un nuevo Coloquio IFIS.
El evento será desde las 11:00 AM en la Sala 208 del Instituto de Física PUCV.
Te dejamos el resumen:
Weak gravitational lensing is a powerful tool for decoding the imprints of dark energy and dark matter on the large-scale structure. To derive cosmological constraints from weak lensing observations, it is crucial to define estimators that capture the cosmological information and the statistical properties of the lensing field. As physical processes like the gravitational collapse of structures introduce non-Gaussianities into the data, estimators beyond the power spectrum are required to capture this additional information.
In the first part of my talk, I will introduce a set of non-Gaussian, or higher-order, weak lensing estimators, along with the latest cosmological constraints obtained from Subaru Hyper Suprime Cam Survey Y1 data, and the higher-order statistics teams from the Stage IV surveys Rubin LSST and Euclid. In the second part, I will discuss the statistical challenges for these estimators, and present a Bayesian solution to mitigate biases in cosmological constraints produced by theoretical uncertainties, such as unmodelled baryonic processes.