Seminario de Cosmología y Gravitación: “Higher-dimensional Willmore energy as holographic entanglement entropy”

Seminario de Cosmología y Gravitación en el IFIS. Este jueves 26 de septiembre, Javier Moreno de la Universidad de Concepción presenta “Higher-dimensional Willmore energy as holographic entanglement entropy” desde las 14:30 en la Sala 208 del Instituto de Física PUCV.

Dejamos el abstract de la presentación:

The vacuum entanglement entropy of a general conformal field theory (CFT) in five dimensions contains a universal term, F(A), which has a complicated and non-local dependence on the geometric details of the region A and the theory. Analogously to the previously known three-dimensional case, we prove that for CFTs in five dimensions which are holographically dual to Einstein gravity, F(A) is equal to a four-dimensional version of the “Willmore energy” associated to a doubled and closed version of the Ryu-Takayanagi (RT) surface of A embedded in R^5. The Willmore energy is shown to arise from a conformal-invariant codimension-two functional obtained by evaluating six-dimensional conformal gravity on the conically-singular orbifold of the replica trick. The new functional involves an integral over the doubled RTsurface of a linear combination of three quartic terms in extrinsic curvatures and is free from ultraviolet divergences by construction. We verify explicitly the validity of our new formula for various entangling regions and argue that, as opposed to the three-dimensional case, F (A) is not globally minimized by a round ball. Rather, F(A) can take arbitrarily positive and negative values as afunction of A. Hence, we conclude that the round ball is not a global minimizer of F(A) for general five-dimensional CFTs.


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