My research focuses on different aspects of cosmology and gravitation. For a comprehensive list of my publications, please refer to my profile on INSPIRE-HEP.

Modified gravity
General Relativity stands as the most robust theory of gravity to date. However, let’s entertain the idea that deviations from this theory occur on large scales, possibly produced by a brane model in higher dimensions or the existence of a massive graviton. It’s essential to note that any such deviation should be effectively screened at smaller scales due to numerous local constraints. My research delves into exploring various aspects of these screening mechanisms, including the Vainshtein mechanism, chameleon mechanism, and symmetron mechanism.

Black holes
Black holes stand out as some of the most captivating and enigmatic entities in the Universe. The forthcoming years promise a wealth of intriguing physics, much of which will unfold through the exploration of black holes. A particularly compelling puzzle involves the instability of the Cauchy horizon. Notably, a recent concept has surfaced suggesting that a “hairy” black hole could potentially eliminate the Cauchy horizon, thereby addressing its instability. My research is dedicated to probing the feasibility of this solution and, more broadly, investigating the instability associated with this horizon.
Should the resolution of the interior structure involve modifications to the external solution—a form of black hole “hair”—we may have the opportunity to observe it through astrophysical experiments, such as measuring the quasinormal modes. Another facet of my research delves into the calculation of these modes, which are derived through the linear theory of perturbations, employing specific boundary conditions.

Compact objects
In the standard model, compact objects primarily consist of neutron stars and black holes. However, if we introduce modifications to gravity or incorporate exotic matter fields, the realm of compact objects expands to potentially include entities much more compact than neutron stars yet distinct from black holes. This opens the possibility of encountering ultra-compact objects that may be mistaken for black holes. In my research, I specifically investigate the feasibility of solitonic solutions, particularly those that deviate from topological solutions. These non-topological solutions are characterized by a Noether charge instead of a topological charge, introducing a novel dimension to our understanding of compact objects and their diverse manifestations in the cosmos, in particular as dark matter particles.

Dark energy
For almost 5 billion years, the Universe has experienced a renewed phase of acceleration. This intriguing phenomenon is often attributed to the presence of a new cosmic component characterized by negative pressure, commonly referred to as dark energy. The simplest explanation for this acceleration is a cosmological constant. Ongoing and upcoming surveys, such as EUCLID, hold the promise of providing deeper insights into the nature of this cosmic force. In the event that a cosmological constant is ruled out, modified gravity emerges as one of the most compelling alternatives, given its potential ties to more fundamental physics. My research has been dedicated to exploring various facets of the viability of these modified gravity theories. Recently, my focus has shifted towards the nonlinear regime, employing field theoretical techniques to analytically access the power spectrum and the bispectrum in this intricate domain, thereby offering a unique perspective without reliance on N-body simulations.

Olivera Mišković
(Super)Gravity, Holography, Black Hole Physics

Olivera Mišković
(Super)Gravity, Holography, Black Hole Physics

Olivera Mišković
(Super)Gravity, Holography, Black Hole Physics
My research interests are in the area of gravity, supergravity and quantum field theory. Recently, I have been working on applications of Gauge/Gravity duality (holographic superconductors, quantum Ward identities, IR regularization of gravity) and study of physical properties of black holes (their thermodynamics, conserved charges, entropy, stability and phase transitions). My other topics of interest are Hamiltonian formalism in gravity, relation of geometry and space-time singularities, asymptotic structure of gravitational theories, etc.
Other important aspects of my academic life are activities related to international collaboration and interaction with graduate and postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers. I also enjoy giving spreading lectures in physics to increase scientific awareness in society, especially among young people.
Projects (last 10 years):
- 2023-2027 Holographic aspects of quantum field theories in flat and AdS spaces (FONDECYT Regular N°1231779)
- 2021-2024 Holography and its applications to high energy physics, quantum gravity and condensed matter systems (ANID-SCIA-ANILLO ACT210100, Director Alberto Faraggi Ugalde)
- 2019-2023 Black holes and asymptotic symmetries (FONDECYT Regular N°1190533)
- 2018 Asymptotic symmetries in gravitational theories (DI-PUCV Regular N°039.314)
- 2017 Higher-spin gravity and dualities (Attraction of Advanced Foreign Human Resources MEC CONICYT N°80160107); Invited Researcher Ergin Sezgin (Texas A & M University, USA), Associate Per Sundell (UNAB, Santiago, Chile).
- 2017 Asymptotic symmetries, geometry and holography (DI-PUCV Regular N°039.428)
- 2016 Three aspects of holographic duality (DI-PUCV Regular N° 039.345)
- 2015 Dynamical aspects of the Poincare gauge theories (Attraction of Advanced Foreign Human Resources MEC CONICYT N°80140058); Invited Researcher Milutin Blagojević (Institute of Physics, U. Belgrade, Serbia)
- 2011-2015 Dualities in higher-order gravities (FONDECYT Regular N°1110102)
2023-2027 Holographic aspects of quantum field theories in flat and AdS spaces (FONDECYT Regular N°1231779)
2021-2024 Holography and its applications to high energy physics, quantum gravity and condensed matter systems (ANID-SCIA-ANILLO ACT210100, Director Alberto Faraggi Ugalde)
2019-2023 Black holes and asymptotic symmetries (FONDECYT Regular N°1190533)
2018 Asymptotic symmetries in gravitational theories (DI-PUCV Regular N°039.314)
2017 Higher-spin gravity and dualities (Attraction of Advanced Foreign Human Resources MEC CONICYT N°80160107); Invited Researcher Ergin Sezgin (Texas A & M University, USA), Associate Per Sundell (UNAB, Santiago, Chile).
2017 Asymptotic symmetries, geometry and holography (DI-PUCV Regular N°039.428)
2016 Three aspects of holographic duality (DI-PUCV Regular N° 039.345)
2015 Dynamical aspects of the Poincare gauge theories (Attraction of Advanced Foreign Human Resources MEC CONICYT N°80140058); Invited Researcher Milutin Blagojević (Institute of Physics, U. Belgrade, Serbia)
2011-2015 Dualities in higher-order gravities (FONDECYT Regular N°1110102)
- 2024-2028 Ayan Mukhopadhyay Quantum thermodynamics and quantum information processing in holographic many-body systems and black hole microstates (FONDECYT Regular N°1240955)
- 2023-2027 Rodrigo Olea Holographic description of asymptotically anti-de Sitter gravity (FONDECYT Regular N°1230492)
- 2017-2021 Rodrigo Olea Boundary dynamics in anti-de Sitter gravity and gauge/gravity duality (FONDECYT Regular N°1170765)
- 2013-2017 Rodrigo Olea Aspects of Gauge/Gravity dualities (FONDECYT Regular N°1131075)
- 2010-2014 Jorge Zanelli Quantum mechanics of geometric systems (FONDECYT Regular N°1100755)
2024-2028 Ayan Mukhopadhyay Quantum thermodynamics and quantum information processing in holographic many-body systems and black hole microstates (FONDECYT Regular N°1240955)
2023-2027 Rodrigo Olea Holographic description of asymptotically anti-de Sitter gravity (FONDECYT Regular N°1230492)
2017-2021 Rodrigo Olea Boundary dynamics in anti-de Sitter gravity and gauge/gravity duality (FONDECYT Regular N°1170765)
2013-2017 Rodrigo Olea Aspects of Gauge/Gravity dualities (FONDECYT Regular N°1131075)
2010-2014 Jorge Zanelli Quantum mechanics of geometric systems (FONDECYT Regular N°1100755)
- 2023-2026 Yolbeiker Rodriguez Stability of rotating black holes (FONDECYT Postdoctoral N°3230445)
- 2019-2022 Georgios Anastasiou Holographic Complexity from anti-de Sitter gravity (FONDECYT Postdoctoral N°3190314)
- 2018-2022 Arindam Lala Study of general aspects of non-conformal gauge theories using holographic duality (VRIEA postdoc + FONDECYT Postdoctoral N°3190021)
- 2016-2019 Omar Valdivia Physical properties of gravity theories with S-expanded symmetry algebras and their holographic duals (FONDECYT Postdoctoral N°3160437)
- 2015-2019 Debraj Roy Gauge symmetries in gravity with applications in non-relativistic physics and holography (VRIEA postdoc + FONDECYT Postdoctoral N°3160139)
- 2014-2017 Xiao-Mei Kuang Applications of holographic gravity to strongly coupled systems via gauge/gravity dualities (FONDECYT Postdoctoral N°3150006)
- 2013-2016 Remigiusz Durka Topological invariants in AdS gravity and gauge/gravity dualities (FONDECYT Postdoctoral N°3140092)
- 2012-2015 Nelson Merino Expansions methods and its physical applications(FONDECYT Postdoctoral N°3130445)
2023-2026 Yolbeiker Rodriguez Stability of rotating black holes (FONDECYT Postdoctoral N°3230445)
2019-2022 Georgios Anastasiou Holographic Complexity from anti-de Sitter gravity (FONDECYT Postdoctoral N°3190314)
2018-2022 Arindam Lala Study of general aspects of non-conformal gauge theories using holographic duality (VRIEA postdoc + FONDECYT Postdoctoral N°3190021)
2016-2019 Omar Valdivia Physical properties of gravity theories with S-expanded symmetry algebras and their holographic duals (FONDECYT Postdoctoral N°3160437)
2015-2019 Debraj Roy Gauge symmetries in gravity with applications in non-relativistic physics and holography (VRIEA postdoc + FONDECYT Postdoctoral N°3160139)
2014-2017 Xiao-Mei Kuang Applications of holographic gravity to strongly coupled systems via gauge/gravity dualities (FONDECYT Postdoctoral N°3150006)
2013-2016 Remigiusz Durka Topological invariants in AdS gravity and gauge/gravity dualities (FONDECYT Postdoctoral N°3140092)
2012-2015 Nelson Merino Expansions methods and its physical applications(FONDECYT Postdoctoral N°3130445)
- 2024 October, Colloquium “Holographic Weyl semimetal” at Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
- 2024 July, Workshop on Holography, Noncommutative Gravity and Quantum Information Theory, University of Belgrade, Serbia
- 2024 April Holography in & beyond the AdS paradigm, Universidad de la Plata, Argentina
- 2024 January, Celestial Holography and Asymptotic Symmetries, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, Santiago, Chile
- 2023 December, Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels, Belgium
- 2023 December, Fluids, black holes, conformal systems and null infinity, Centre de Physique Théorique, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France
- 2023 June, CPHT String Seminar at Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France (virtual)
- 2023 April, Topics in gravitational physics: from black holes to asymptotic symmetries Brussels, Celebration of 45 years of Belgian-Chilean collaboration in theoretical gravity (CECs-ULB-Solvay Institutes)
- 2023 February, Division of theoretical physics at Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia
- 2023 February, Gravity, Holography, Strings and Noncommutative Geometry, Institute of Physics & Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, Serbia
- 2023 January, Workshop Nordgrav@ICEN, UNAP, Iquique, Chile
- 2022 December, III Latin American Workshop on Gravity and Holography (LAWGH), Santiago, Chile
- 2022 July, London-Oldenburg Relativity seminar series (virtual)
- 2022 June, Universidad de Concepción, Chile (virtual)
- 2022 March, UCSC-UdeC Workshop on Theoretical Physics, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción & Universidad de Concepción
- 2022 January, Dual Mystery Channel of Gauge Theory and Gravity, hosted by IIT-Madras (virtual)
- 2021 December, Workshop YOUNGST@RS-Holography and Supergravity, Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University (virtual)
- 2021 November, CPHT String Seminar at Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France
- 2021 September, Universidad La Plata, Argentina (virtual)
- 2021 June, Webinar Terapia de Grupo, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina (virtual)
- 2020 February, DISAT, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy
- 2019 December, Quantum Gravity in the Sothern Cone, Valdivia-Chile, Bariloche- Argentina
- 2019 November, Laboratoire de Physique CNRS, École normale supérieure de Lyon, France
- 2019 October, Physics Department, University of Turin, Italy
- 2019 September, Adolfo Ibañez University, Santiago
- 2018 June Latin-American Workshop on Gravity and Holography, São Paulo, Brazil, ICTP-SAIFR/IFT-UNESP
- 2018 February, Workshop on Gravity, Holography, Strings and Noncommutative Geometry, Institute of Physics, Zemun-Belgrade, Serbia
- 2018 January, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), Golm-Potsdam, Germany
- 2017 November, Workshop Gravity@Ucen2017, Universidad Central, Santiago
- 2017 September, Ninth Aegean Summer School-Einstein’s Theory of Gravity and its Modifications: From Theory to Observations, Apollonia, Sifnos, Greece
- 2017 May, First San Pedro Workshop on Geometry and Physics, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile
- 2017 January, Iberian Strings, Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal
- 2017 January, Workshop Topics on AdS/CFT and hairy black holes, AstroParticule et Cosmologie, Université Paris 7, Paris, France
- 2016 October, Meeting on Theoretical Physics, Univerity San Sebastian, Valdivia
- 2016 April, Quinto Encuentro CosmoConce, Concepción, Chile
- 2016 March, AstroParticule et Cosmologie, Université Paris 7, Paris, France
- 2016 February, Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria
- 2016 February, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels, Belgium
2024 October, Colloquium “Holographic Weyl semimetal” at Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
2024 July, Workshop on Holography, Noncommutative Gravity and Quantum Information Theory, University of Belgrade, Serbia
2024 April Holography in & beyond the AdS paradigm, Universidad de la Plata, Argentina
2024 January, Celestial Holography and Asymptotic Symmetries, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, Santiago, Chile
2023 December, Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels, Belgium
2023 December, Fluids, black holes, conformal systems and null infinity, Centre de Physique Théorique, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France
2023 June, CPHT String Seminar at Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France (virtual)
2023 April, Topics in gravitational physics: from black holes to asymptotic symmetries Brussels, Celebration of 45 years of Belgian-Chilean collaboration in theoretical gravity (CECs-ULB-Solvay Institutes)
2023 February, Division of theoretical physics at Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia
2023 February, Gravity, Holography, Strings and Noncommutative Geometry, Institute of Physics & Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade, Serbia
2023 January, Workshop Nordgrav@ICEN, UNAP, Iquique, Chile
2022 December, III Latin American Workshop on Gravity and Holography (LAWGH), Santiago, Chile
2022 July, London-Oldenburg Relativity seminar series (virtual)
2022 June, Universidad de Concepción, Chile (virtual)
2022 March, UCSC-UdeC Workshop on Theoretical Physics, Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción & Universidad de Concepción
2022 January, Dual Mystery Channel of Gauge Theory and Gravity, hosted by IIT-Madras (virtual)
2021 December, Workshop YOUNGST@RS-Holography and Supergravity, Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University (virtual)
2021 November, CPHT String Seminar at Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France
2021 September, Universidad La Plata, Argentina (virtual)
2021 June, Webinar Terapia de Grupo, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina (virtual)
2020 February, DISAT, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy
2019 December, Quantum Gravity in the Sothern Cone, Valdivia-Chile, Bariloche- Argentina
2019 November, Laboratoire de Physique CNRS, École normale supérieure de Lyon, France
2019 October, Physics Department, University of Turin, Italy
2019 September, Adolfo Ibañez University, Santiago
2018 June Latin-American Workshop on Gravity and Holography, São Paulo, Brazil, ICTP-SAIFR/IFT-UNESP
2018 February, Workshop on Gravity, Holography, Strings and Noncommutative Geometry, Institute of Physics, Zemun-Belgrade, Serbia
2018 January, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), Golm-Potsdam, Germany
2017 November, Workshop Gravity@Ucen2017, Universidad Central, Santiago
2017 September, Ninth Aegean Summer School-Einstein’s Theory of Gravity and its Modifications: From Theory to Observations, Apollonia, Sifnos, Greece
2017 May, First San Pedro Workshop on Geometry and Physics, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile
2017 January, Iberian Strings, Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal
2017 January, Workshop Topics on AdS/CFT and hairy black holes, AstroParticule et Cosmologie, Université Paris 7, Paris, France
2016 October, Meeting on Theoretical Physics, Univerity San Sebastian, Valdivia
2016 April, Quinto Encuentro CosmoConce, Concepción, Chile
2016 March, AstroParticule et Cosmologie, Université Paris 7, Paris, France
2016 February, Technische Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria
2016 February, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels, Belgium

Institute of Physics, Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso

Av. Universidad 330 (Curauma), Valparaiso, Chile

+56 32 227 4885