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    In preparation...
  • Resistance force over an intruder in a fluidized granular column
    C. Oliver, J.-C. Geminard & G. Varas
    in preparation
  • Evolution of the repose angle of granular mixtures in a sandpile experiment
    Francisco Martínez, Claudia Gonzalez and Germán Varas
    in preparation
  1. Interaction between gas channels in water-saturated sands
    Germán Varas, Gabriel Ramos and Valérie Vidal
    Phys. Rev. E, 110, 024901 (2024).
  2. RL-Based Sim2Real Enhancements for Autonomous Beach Cleaning Agents
    Francisco Quiroga, Gabriel Hermosilla, German Varas, Francisco Alonso and Karla Schröder
    Applied Sciences, 14, 4602 (2024).

  3. 2022
  4. Geometry-controlled phase transition in vibrated granular media
    René Zuñiga, Germán Varas and Stéphane Job
    Scientific Reports, 12, 14989 (2022). - Supplementary information
  5. Geometrical description of impact cratering under microgravity conditions
    Cristian Villalobos, Mauricio Housset and Germán Varas
    Granular Matter, 24, 64 (2022).

  6. 2021
  7. Extending the Boussinesq model for impacts in granular media
    F. Martínez, M. P. Urrea, C. M. Gonzalez and G. Varas
    Granular Matter, 23, 3 (2021).

  8. 2020
  9. Stability of a liquid jet impinging on confined saturated sand
    J. Vessaire, G. Varas, S. Joubaud, R. Volk, M. Bourgoin and V. Vidal
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 224502 (2020).

  10. 2019
  11. Friction weakening by mechanical vibrations: a velocity-controlled process
    V. Vidal, C. Oliver, H. Lastakowski, G. Varas and J.-C Géminard
    European Physical Journal E 42, 91 (2019).
  12. 3D morphology and timing of the giant fossil pockmark, Beauvoisin Basin, SE France
    A. Gay, M. Lopez, J.-L. Potdevin, V. Vidal, G. Varas, A. Favier and N. Tribovillard
    Journal of the Geological Society 176 , 61-77 (2019).

  13. 2017
  14. Influence of obstacles on bubbles rising in water-saturated sand
    R. Poryles, G. Varas and V. Vidal
    EPJ Web of Conferences 140, 09002 (2017).
  15. Stability of gas channels in a dense suspension in presence of obstacles
    R. Poryles, G. Varas and V. Vidal
    Phys. Rev. E. 95, 062905 (2017).

  16. 2016
  17. Bubbles trapped in a fluidized bed: Trajectories and contact area
    R. Poryles, V. Vidal and G. Varas
    Phys. Rev. E. 93, 032904 (2016).

  18. 2015
  19. Gas-induced fluidization of mobile liquid-saturated grains
    G. Ramos, G. Varas, J.-C. Géminard and V. Vidal,
    Phys. Rev. E. 92, 062210 (2015).
  20. Flow and fracture in water-saturated, unconstrained granular beds
    G. Varas, G. Ramos, J.-C. Géminard and V. Vidal
    Frontiers in Physics, 3, 44 (2015).

  21. 2013 and earlier
  22. Air invasion in a granular layer immersed in a fluid: morphology and dynamics
    G. Varas, J.-C. Géminard and V. Vidal,
    Granular Matter, 15, 801-810 (2013).
  23. Etude de la croissance de la zone fluidifiée lors de l’injection d’air dans des grains immergés
    V. Vidal, G. Varas and J.-C. Géminard,
    Compte-rendus de la 15e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire, Eds. E. Falcon, C. Josserand, M. Lefranc & C. Letellier,
    Non-Linéaire Publications, p.209-214 (2012).
  24. Morphologie of air invasion in an immersed granular layer
    G. Varas, V. Vidal and J.-C. Géminard,
    Phys. Rev. E 83, 061302 (2011).
  25. Venting dynamics of an immersed granular layer
    G. Varas, V. Vidal and J.-C. Géminard,
    Phys. Rev. E 83, 011302 (2011).
  26. 'Venting' dans un milieu granulaire immergé
    V. Vidal, G. Varas and J.-C. Géminard,
    Compte-rendus de la 14e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire, Eds. C. Josserand, M. Lefranc & C. Letellier,
    Non-Linéaire Publications, p.175-180 (2011).
  27. Dynamique de dégazage dans un milieu granulaire immergé: différents aspects
    V. Vidal, G. Varas and J.-C. Géminard,
    Compte-rendus de la 13e Rencontre du Non-Linéaire, Eds. C. Josserand, M. Lefranc & C. Letellier,
    Non-Linéaire Publications, p.199-204 (2010).
  28. Dynamics of crater formations in immersed granular materials
    G. Varas, V. Vidal and J.-C. Géminard,
    Phys. Rev. E 79, 021301 (2009). -- Highlighted by APS (Feb. 2009)
  29. Liquid–solid-like transition in quasi-one-dimensional driven granular media
    M.G. Clerc, P. Cordero, J. Dunstan, K. Huff, N. Mujica, D. Risso and G. Varas,
    Nature Physics 4, 249-254 (2008).
  30. Collective Behavior in a Granular Jet: Emergence of a Liquid with Zero Surface Tension
    X. Cheng, G. Varas, D. Citron, H. M. Jaeger and S. R. Nagel,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 188001 (2007). -- University of Chicago News Office